Senin, 11 Januari 2021

Internet adventirsing

Nama : ihsan burhanudin

Npm   : 10120532

Kelas  : G1 Manajemen

Mata kuliah : Bahasa inggris 1

Tugas iklan produk di internet.

How to Make Advertisements on the Internet

Creating advertisements on the internet is one of the most important promotional events for developing business. You need to create attractive ads so that the business you manage can be glimpsed by various groups so that the sales figures you get will be even higher. First of all, you must find out how to make an effective advertisement on the internet and study it well. If all the methods have been studied, then you will get sufficient provisions to advertise your business through various digital media to increase business opportunities.

Here are some tips and steps for creating advertisements on the internet that you need to do so that the business opportunities that are in front of your eyes can be utilized properly, are :

1. Take advantage of digital advertising tools such as Google Adwords and Facebook Ads to promote.

2. Design interesting words to promote your business so that the product or business you offer can be seen.

3. Create a visually appealing display of ads to make your business more recognizable and competitive.

4. Make sure the ad is aimed at potential customers and on target so that advertising is more effective.

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